Configure Jenkins AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin to Work with Moto Standalone Server

Tony Tannous
4 min readAug 11, 2023

The AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin (SM Plugin) for Jenkins provides the option of specifying a custom service endpoint address . This allows credentials to be sourced from mock AWS services, such as moto server, during local testing of pipelines.

In this post, Docker Compose is used to a create local networked Jenkins/Moto stack with examples outlining how to configure the plugin and store/access a secret.

Running a Local Jenkins/Moto Server Stack using Docker Compose

The sample docker-compose.yml file below can be used to spin up two networked services, i.e jenkins_master:8080 and motoserver:5000.


version: '3.8'


image: motoserver/moto:latest
container_name: motoserver
- 5000:5000
- MOTO_PORT=5000

image: jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
user: jenkins
container_name: jenkins_master
- jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- 8080:8080
- 50000:50000

name: jenkins_home

Bring up the stack:

$ docker compose up -d

Complete the Jenkins installation process at http://localhost:8080. To keep the containers "light", no plugins were selected for installation during the initial setup process.

Install Plugins

1. AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider

Install the SM provider plugin at Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available Plugins:

2. Pipeline: Declarative

Once both plugins are installed, restart the jenkins_master service by running:

$ docker compose restart jenkins_master

Configure AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin for Moto Endpoint

To configure SM provider plugin:

  • Visit Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> System
  • Scroll to the section AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider
  • Enter details as show below:

Cache: Enabled
Credentials Provider: Static
AWS Access Key: testing
AWS Secret Key: testing
Service Endpoint: http://motoserver:5000
Signing Region: US East (N.Virginia)

  • Save changes

Creating a Secret

For testing, we’ll store a GitHub API Key myapisecret using Moto mock server endpoint.

$ aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:5000 \
--region us-east-1 secretsmanager create-secret \
--name 'git-api-key' \
--secret-string 'myapisecret' \
--tags 'Key=jenkins:credentials:type,Value=string' \
--description 'API token'


"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:git-api-key-HYBogf",
"Name": "git-api-key",
"VersionId": "9491472c-bbd6-4387-89d9-2c9a2d36f758"
  • The secret should automatically appear at
    Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Credentials

Note: With credential caching enabled for the plugin, it can take a few minutes before the secret is visible within Jenkins.

Accessing the Secret from a Pipeline

  • Create a test pipeline (secrets-manager-plugin-test)
  • Use the following pipeline script to access and display the secret to ensure its contents are as expected
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Fetch Secret - Moto Endpoint') {
environment {
steps {
script {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'git-api-key', variable: 'GIT_API_KEY')]) {
print 'GIT_API_KEY=' + "${GIT_API_KEY}"
def charArray = GIT_API_KEY.toCharArray()
def passwd = ""
for (c in charArray) {
passwd += " "+c.toString()
println "the password is"+passwd
println "the password is"+passwd.replaceAll(" ", "")
  • To circumvent the protection mechanism (masking) implemented by plugin(s), an iterator and Groovy’ toCharArray() is used
  • Save the pipeline and run a test build
  • Check build output log



Tony Tannous

Learner. Interests include Cloud and Devops technologies.